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Ministries / Commissions


A Way of Life


 In requesting Baptism for infants and young children, it is important for parent to have an overall understanding of the sacrament, its scriptural roots, the Baptism ceremony, and the importance of godparents and parents.Parents must be registered, active members of the Parish for a minimum of four months prior to arranging for a Baptism.Contact reverend Mr.Gene Gillis through the parish office to schedule an appointment (996-5109 ext. 10).







The marriage preparation ministry is intended to prepare couples for their marriage vocation in the Catholic Church.  Because Marriage is a Sacrament of the Living, the bride and groom must enter into the bonds of Matrimony in the State of Grace and free from all impediments.  The Sacrament of Penance should be received prior to the marriage.

In order for Engagement Encounter or Pre-Cana to be scheduled, Matrimony preparation must begin at least six months prior to the wedding date.  Please call the parish office to schedule an appointment (996-5109 ext. 10).






The eighteen members of the Altar Society are responsible for cleaning the altar,linens,vestments, holy water font, sacristy and confessional areas.They meet on the first Thursday of each month at 7 PM.If you are interested in helping with this ministry,call Kathy Garlow at 769-109

Holy Cross Church Library


The Library, established in the Library/Conference Room of the Church, has an organized collection of Catholic books, videos, audio tapes and games to serve the entire faith community.  Parishioners are welcome to visit the Library and borrow any of the resources available.  Please follow the posted instructions on checking out materials.    



All Catholics, by reason of their Baptism and Confirmation, share in the obligation to pray and work for the salvation of the world and so also share in the Ministry of Evangelization.  An essential part of this ministry is praying and working for unity among all the baptized as opportunity and talent allows. This commission develops programs designed to reach out to the unchurched as will as to inactive Catholics, plans ecumenical programs and prayer experiences, and cooperates with other local churches in their programs and activities promoting ecumenism.

Parish Life Commission


The Parish Life commission is concerned with supporting families and Christian living.


The commission is therefore concerned with those matters that help to build the parish family community and include programs in support of single persons (including widowed, divorced, separated as well as single parent families).  This commission identifies and coordinates the social and recreational events of the parish as well as special needs which include (but are not limited to): the Annual Parish Picnic, Senior Dinners, Receptions - First Communion, Confirmation, Funerals and the Easter Vigil, --Parish Supper Club - Dinner with Friends (formerly FISH), Appreciation Dinners, Welcome Sundays, and the monthly Pot Luck Dinners.

Administration Commission


This commission inspects and inventories all parish properties, equipment, furnishings and facilities; it reviews and recommends needed additions, repairs, replacements and servicing; and submits a recommendation for the work needed along with a schedule for that work to be done.  It prepares and recommends policies to the parish council for the use of the facilities, including security, utilities, services, and personnel.

Communications Commission


With the aim of advancing the cause of Christ as we share our faith, the Communications Commission gathers and disseminates information for the parish; develops the parish web-site; and coordinates the publishing of a periodic parish directory.

Education Commission


All Christians—all those who have been reborn in water and the Holy Spirit and are in fact children of God—have the right to a Christian education.


The Education Commission of Holy Cross Catholic Church, in accordance with the Diocese of Charlotte, is committed to providing total faith formation which encourages the physical, intellectual, social, and spiritual development of our faith community, fosters a sense of belonging within that community, and deepens our understanding and relationship with Jesus Christ (Mission Statement).


The religious education programs are established, financed, staffed and evaluated according to the needs of the parish community, and all programs must meet the needs of everyone in the parish: whether young or old; whether disadvantaged or privileged.


If you need more information about the Education Commission and how it serves Faith Formation within our community or if you would like to serve on this commission, please contact Craig Schwarz at 992-0043.

Hispanic Commission


The Hispanic Ministry strives to teach men and women what it means to be witnesses of the message of Jesus Christ through faith development, programs and community building.  If you would like more information or would like to serve on the Hispanic Commission contact Martin Mata at 996-5604.

Liturgical Commission


The Liturgical Commission is concerned with liturgical functions that serve as the primary demonstrative expressions of faith and worship, especially the sacraments, as well as programs explicitly involving the spiritual growth and development of the faithful.

Community Life Commission


The Community Outreach Commission promotes outreach programs with emphasis on ecumenical activities, social services, pro-life, social justice and community ministries.  It cooperates with other churches and civic organizations in projects aimed at community improvement.Community Outreach is responsible for Operation Rice Bowl, the Thanksgiving Dinner, the Angel Tree, Pro-life Movement, Baby Showers for Wee Care and Room At The Inn of the Triad.  It is also the liaison for Crisis Control, Shepherd’s Center, Habitat for Humanity and the Samaritan Soup Kitchen

Finance Commission


The Finance Council is a consultive body of at least three lay persons established to advise the Pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish.  The council meets at least four times a year.

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